This is for everyone who has been fired,
for the kid that is picked last in gym class,
shake the dust, shake the dust.
This is for the abused pets,
for the Forty years olds working at McDonald's,
shake the dust, shake the dust.
This is for everyone who's had there heart broken,
for the people that risked it all and lost,
for the has beens wanting to back in there glory days,
shake the dust, shake the dust.
This is for people who have life threatening diseases,
and for the families of people with life threatening diseases,
for the grieving widows that have just lost there husband,
shake the dust, shake the dust.
This is for the people who don't know where there going in life,
for the high school drop outs,
for the people that feel like they are stuck in a dead end job,
shake the dust, shake the dust.
This is for the homeless,
for the people who just had there house foreclosed and have nowhere to go,
shake the dust, shake the dust.
Don't let your trials take over you. Shake the dust and move on.